
Stretching before a workout prepares our muscles for the activity we’re about to engage in and stretching afterwards helps to encourage recovery. A single stretch makes the muscles, tendons and ligaments more flexible but only for a short period of time. However, over time with regular stretching, this may induce the growth of tissues that leads to a more long-term increase in flexibility. But, if your muscles are sore, stretching won't necessarily make them more flexible, but it will help them to feel better.

Why Is Stretching Important?
Helps with pain relief
Helps decrease stiffness
Stress management
Reduces the risk of injury
Muscular relaxation
Improves Posture
Decreases back pain
Prepares the body for the activity
Mechanical efficiency
Promotes circulation

There are two primary types of stretching, one is called Dynamic Stretching, what we would do prior to a workout to help stimulate the nervous system and warm the body up. The other is called Static Stretching, the post work out activity done to increase the relaxation of muscles and help with range of motion. Stretching may seem like an easy thing to do. However, if you are not careful you can actually cause more harm than good before you even set off on your workout.

Some Stretching Tips

  • Breathe through your stretches. Not only will breathing help you relieve stress and tension in your muscles, but it may also improve the quality of your stretches and help you hold a stretch for longer.

  • Watch your posture. Pay attention to your posture with each stretch. Keep your chin up, spine straight, core engaged, and your shoulders aligned with your hips.

  • Start slowly. Don’t try to do too much the first time you stretch after a workout. Start with just a few stretches and add more repetitions and stretches as you get used to them.

  • Don’t stretch to the point of pain. You should feel mild tension as you stretch your muscles, never pain. If you feel pain, stop right away.

We have all experienced some level of muscle fatigue and muscle soreness which are both common side effects to exercising. What is the cause of muscle soreness? it is microscopic damage to the muscle fibres when the muscles are required to work harder than usual. Therefore, it is vital to include stretching to your post-workout routine to gently relax your muscles.

The best part of stretching is that it can be done anywhere and without any equipment. If you happened to finish a workout but have run out of time at the gym, then as soon as you have the next 10 free minutes, just fit in a couple of stretches before you forget. Your post-recovery time will thank you.  

Here’s a couple of exercises for you to try, the next time you’re in need of a good stretch, and remember, try focusing the stretch on the parts of your body you most likely will be working hard on.

Pre-Workout Stretches

 Hip Rotations

-    Start in a standing position, with feet wider than hip-width apart.

-    Bend your arms and place your hands behind your head.

-    Bend your knee as you lift one leg up.

-    Circle that leg across your body, up toward your chest, then back down to the starting position.

-    Repeat on the other side.

-    Continue for 30 to 60 seconds.

Knee Lifts

-    Start in a standing position, with feet wider than hip-width apart.

-    Bend your arms, placing your hands behind your head.

-    Lift one leg up toward your body, bending your knee as you do, as if you were trying to touch your rip cage with your knee.

-    Continue for 30 to 60 seconds.

Post-Workout Stretches

Lunging Hip Flexor Stretch

-    Begin with kneeling down on your left knee.

-    Keep your right knee bent, with your right foot flat on the floor in front of you.

-    Lean forward and stretch your left hip out towards the floor.

-    Hold this stretch for 30 to 60 seconds before switching legs and doing the opposite side

Overhead Triceps Stretch

-    Stand with your feet hip-width apart and roll your shoulders back and down to release any tension.

-    Reach your right arm up to the ceiling, then bend your elbow to bring your right palm down toward the centre of your back.

-    Bring your left hand up to gently pull your right elbow downward.

-    Hold this stretch for 20 to 30 seconds before switching arms.

-    Repeat on both sides 2 or 3 times, attempting to get a deeper stretch with each repetition.




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