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We currently offer three different styles of yoga classes here at FIT, Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin Yoga. Do you know the difference between them or which one is best suited to you? The great thing about these classes is, that they are suited to any age, body type and fitness level. With class offerings ranging from beginners, intermediate and advanced classes. No one has turned up to their first yoga class (unless they were a dancer or gymnast) able to execute advanced yoga poses. Yoga develops strength and balance as well as flexibility and this all takes practice.

What is Yoga?
Yoga focuses on basic postures and movements using terminology such as downward dog, the movement of bending forward and leaning on your hands, curving your back as if you were recreating a dog-like position. Sometimes the poses are combined into a set of series, repeating back to the same pose which gives you the opportunity to keep practising on the movement. Breathing is also rhythmic, with inhaling and exhaling in a way that works with each movement or when you’re in a still position. This particularly encourages you to focus on drawing your attention solely to breathing, in case your mind starts to wonder.

Let’s start off with some general overall benefits of yoga:

  • Increases flexibility

  • Increases muscle strength and bone density

  • Improves your posture

  • Improves respiration

  • Improves energy and vitality

 Here is a little breakdown to the different styles of Yoga we offer.

 Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga, a great one to start if you’re a beginner or if you’re looking for a good stretch or wanting to work on your overall structural alignment. It is a popular form of physical activity and a type of mind-body exercise. Some benefits of Hatha Yoga include strengthening the core muscles, increased flexibility and balance, assisting in better sleep and stress management. It is also the type of yoga that focuses on holding poses for long periods of time with many breathing techniques and meditation included in the practice. This is great for someone, who is looking for that ‘me time’ in their day and who just needs that little bit of guidance on how to switch their mind off from everything else going on. Now, if you have tried Hatha but wanted a workout that focused on less movement and more stillness then the next one is the one for you to try.

Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga stretches and targets both the deep connective tissue between the muscles and the fascia throughout the body. It also helps us to regulate the body’s flow of energy. The aim of these exercises is to increase circulation in the joints and improve flexibility, as the poses stretch and exercise the bone and joint areas. Yin Yoga is for a person, patient enough to stay in a posture for long periods of time, really focusing on connecting the body's movement with the mind. In these classes, the instructor will have you hold a posture for several minutes, which helps connective tissue such as tendons and ligaments become more flexible. Some positions may be a little uncomfortable at times, but your body will thank you the next time you’re holding the next posture and if you continue class after class it will become a whole lot easier.

Yoga isn’t just about holding long postures, breathing and stillness. There are many fast-flowing yoga styles too. However, the last class we offer is called Vinyasa Yoga and this one ticks that box for anyone who wants an increased range of movement throughout their class. This will increase your energy levels and still incorporates a lot of breathing techniques. If you’re anything like me and struggles to get in tune with their breathing when told too, then this is a good one to practice.

Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa Yoga uses continuous movements to stretch and strengthen each muscle within the body, which helps loosen them up, ideal for anyone with any uncomfortable joints. This yoga practice is also a great way to boost flexibility. With a combination of flow and sedentary poses, it challenges the body. These classes emphasise on performing poses that are fluid from one pose and straight in to the next, somewhat like an aerobics class in terms of the flow aspect of the class. There is no set series to these classes, each instructor has their own flow. If you find a pose too uncomfortable then you can just choose a posture that suits your current body’s limitation. All postures can be modified at any time throughout the class.

Some classes may have a mix of beginner to advanced participants and some classes just focusing on the one level. Having said that, perhaps being in a class with mixed participants will help boost your energy and confidence to work towards becoming more flexible. At the end of the class no matter your fitness level, you will be feeling more powerful that you have given your body and mind the focus and time it deserves.

Find out more by joining one of our classes, and talking to our Exhale instructors. Book into a Exhale Studio yoga class online or via the app.


