Don't Let the Weather Get You Down - Winter Wellness Tips

Heading into the winter season, a lot of people start to get sick, suffer from itchy throats, sniffles, and general yuckiness. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are 5 winter wellness tips that can keep you healthy as the weather closes in.

Tip # 1: Take Oil of Oregano

Oil of Oregano is a great line of defence against a cold as well as a preventative measure. If you feel like you’re getting an itchy throat or clogged nose, take oil of oregano for a couple of days. Oil of oregano is also great to take before you go on an airplane to ward off the high-altitude bugs. 

What’s so good about oil of oregano? Firstly, it is antifungal. Secondly, it’s anti-bacterial. It is also an antioxidant. That makes oil of oregano great for fighting fungus and candida. It also makes it fantastic for the killing of bacteria that causes colds and flu. Oil of Oregano will help you to kick your cold fast.


Tip #2: Take Vitamin C

 Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant. This helps to enhance the effectiveness of the immune system. This is what makes Vitamin C so good to help ward of those winter bugs. It is also extremely good at fighting against oxidative stress and free radical damage.

If you happen to come down with a cold, Vitamin C may help to get rid of it. Getting it from cold oranges is a great option, as the cold juice will really help with a sore throat. You can also purchase Vitamin C powder such as Ener-C which provides 1000 mg which you simply mix with water.

Tip #3: Do a Eucalyptus Steam

If you’ve got a blocked sinus, a eucalyptus steam will make you feel so much better. The steam will help to unclog your sinuses and chest and help you to breathe a little easier. Just boil some hot water and place it in a large bowl. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil and place a towel over your head and the bowl so that the steam doesn’t escape. Breathe the steam down deep into your system for a few minutes to feel the relief. Doing a steam before you go to bed will help ease you into sleep mode.

Tip #4: Drink Hot Lemon Water

Getting into the habit of drinking hot lemon water every morning will give your immunity a great head-start for the day. Just boil some water, pour it into a cup and then add a couple of slices of lemon. Mix with a spoon to bring the juices out of the lemon.

Tip #5: Sanitise Your Home 

 Use anti-bacterial wipes to clean your living area regularly. Your desk area, remote controls, computers and other things that you touch regularly need a thorough going over in order to make sure that it’s germ-free.

Wrap Up

Fortify your body before you succumb to the bugs that can make your life miserable. Getting into the habit of daily boosting your body and your home with the tips provided here will put your immunity into overdrive, keeping you vibrant and healthy regardless of the season.


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