Don't Skip Leg Day - Build Giant Quads

Leg day is the most dreaded day of the workout week. That’s because the lactic acid build-up and muscle pain that you get from working your quads are more intense than working any other part of your body. But that doesn’t mean you should skip leg day.

Unless you want to end up with a chicken body - big up top but nothing down below - you need to embrace the pain of leg day. By doing so, you can build giant, powerful quads. In this article, I’ll lay out a quad-quivering workout that will give your thighs no choice but to grow.

The Exercises


The squat is the standby mass builder for quads. In this program, you will use it as your heavy compound movement to build quad strength and mass. Be sure to stick to the following form pointers …

  • Squat inside a power rack.

  • Maintain an erect upper body with chest up and shoulders pulled back.

  • Do not round your lower back.

  • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.

  • Breath in and contract your core as you descend.

  • Hinge your hips, allowing your butt to move back and down.

  • Squat to parallel.

  • Push through the heels on the ascent.

Leg Extensions

Follow your squats with leg extensions to put the focus on the vastus medialis, or teardrop, portion of the quad, just above the knee. This is the best quad isolation exercise that exists and will cause an intense feeling right in the belly of the muscle.

Perform your reps slowly and deliberately. Only move through the middle 80 percent of the range of motion. By not doing the first and last 10 percent you will remove any potential risk to the knees. 


Lunges are another excellent quad worker. They also work the vastus medialis, as well as the rectus femoris. The lunge also activates the glute muscles. You can do this exercise either with a barbell across your shoulders or with dumbbells held in your hands at your sides. 

Be sure to take a large step forward and lunge down until your rear knee almost touches the ground. Push through the front quad to return to the start position. 

Wall Sit

The wall sit is an awesome finisher exercise for the quads. This isometric exercise is as much a test of mental strength as it is a challenge for your quads. After a minute or so against the wall, your quads will be quivering in agony. Your mission, though, is to keep holding for a minimum of 3 minutes!

Stand against a wall with feet shoulder-width apart and your feet about 18 inches in front of it. Drop down until you are in a seated position with your thighs parallel to the floor. Place your palms against the wall alongside you. Hold for 3 minutes or more!

The Workout

  • Squats - 5 sets of 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps

  • Leg Extensions - 5 sets of 30, 20, 15, 10, 8, 6 reps

  • Lunges - 4 sets of 12 reps

  • Wall Sit - 3 minutes

Final Word

This no-nonsense quad workout will have your quads screaming out in agony - which is precisely what they need to grow! Follow it twice per week, say on Monday and Thursday, and you will be well on your way to building the giant quads that you’re after. 


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