How to make this week better than last week

Here at FIT, we’re committed to not only ensuring you’re physically fit but also emotionally and mentally fit. Reaching your fitness goals is our priority, and we want to work with you to do that, but progress isn’t always linear and this can be disheartening, frustrating and stressful. So what are some other things you can do to make this week better than last week's? What are some things you can do to build your mental fitness? Well, we’ve put together a short list of things you can try;


Regular practice of meditation has been shown to reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. If you’re feeling anxious, and want to unwind and let go of stress meditation is a form of relaxation therapy and the perfect place to start. It’s an easy practice to introduce into your week to help you improve and you can follow this guide to get started.

Eating well

Food has an amazing ability to make us feel better and lift our moods. We’ve all heard the expression “hangry” a state of frustration that comes from being hungry. Well Serotonin - the happy, mood-regulating hormone is released into the gut by certain intestinal cells, so ensuring we’re eating well will help us get our body and mind in the right spot. Our FIT Journal has a handful of great recipes and articles on nutrition to get you started.

Prioritise your rest days

For those hearing this for the first time, it might seem strange, but an important part of exercise and building fitness is prioritising your rest days. It gives our body a chance to recover and adapt. It also allows the body to replenish its energy stores and gives us a chance to rest our minds. If we don’t rest appropriately we can tire ourselves out and this exhaustion can lead to poor decision-making, poor heating habits, and feelings of fatigue. Your rest day can look like an entire day of relaxation or you could go for a gentle walk or try a yoga class.


If you’ve already added the Sauna to your FIT workout routine then you already know that there’s nothing quite like stepping out after a Sauna session. They’re a great way to help you restore your sore muscles and relax, but users have also found it’s helped improve their sleep and even offered relief from joint pains.

These are just a handful of simple things you can try this week to help you develop a FIT mind and body and make this week even better than last week.


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