Get a full body burn with this dumbell workout

Do you want a full body burn? You’ll be surprised to find out that getting that fat burning, body shred workout is a lot easier than you think, all you need. Dumbbells are an incredibly versatile piece of workout equipment and are potentially the best tool for the job. Let's go through a few workouts that will increase your strength and get you into peak physical shape.

Reverse Lunge

This workout is a good place to start, and it’s going to burn your quads!

  1. Set your feet shoulder width apart. Hold a dumbbell in your hands by your sides.

  2. Take a step back with one leg and bend both knees simultaneously.

  3. Let your back knee touch the ground.

  4. Drive through your front foot and extend the knee as you return to your starting position.


This is a great workout for all fitness levels and will target most of your muscles groups whilst also engaging your core and back in order to maintain stability.

  1. Set your feet shoulder width apart. Hold your dumbbells by your sides.

  2. Squat down, keeping the dumbbells extended to your sides.

  3. Drive up from your heels while simultaneously curling the dumbbells. Try to keep your elbows pinned in place to your sides as you curl the dumbbells.

  4. When in the standing position, slowly lower and rotate the dumbbells down to your sides into a neutral grip. This is one rep.

Dumbbell Russian Twist

Russian twists are a simple exercise but they’ll blast your core, shoulders and your hips.

  1. Sit on the floor, holding a dumbbell with both hands on your chest.

  2. Lean your torso back around 45-degree angle to the floor, pull your knees up so that your calves are at a right angle to your thighs.

  3. Brace your core and twist your torso, roll your hands over to the left and back to the right.

Dumbbell renegade row

A renegade row is going to exercise your entire upper body and is a great to highlight what aspects of your upper body needs additional strengthening.

  1. Get into a plank position with your feet about a shoulder width apart. Place both hands on dumbbells.

  2. Engage your core, and without losing tension exhale and pull your elbow towards the ceiling and draw your shoulder blade back, feeling the burn in your back.

  3. Repeat on your opposite side.

One Arm Snatch

If you don’t know what a snatch is you’re in for a treat because this exercise is great for building strength with a particular emphasis on your shoulders, quads and back.

  1. With your feet shoulder-width apart, take the dumbbell with an overhand grip

  2. Squat down so that the dumbbell is between your feet.

  3. Pull the dumbbell straight up while a also extending your hips and knees.

  4. As you pull the dumbbell overhead, bend your knees slightly. Drive up from your heels to a full standing position with the dumbbell overhead.

  5. Repeat on your opposite side.

For beginners, try and do 3 sets of 10 with 90 seconds rest between and as you build strength and look to advance, increase the number of reps per set and explore the variations for each exercise. 

Note: This workout is designed to be a jumping off point and we recommend speaking to one of our FIT PT’s who can help put together a tailored workout for you and your desired fitness goals.


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