How to set a meal plan

A meal plan is a great way to set you up for success each and every week, no matter what your fitness goals are. They’re a great tool to help keep you organised, ensure you’re taking in the right nutrients for each meal and save you from coming home from a long day at work and straight into the kitchen cooking. It takes a bit of extra planning but you’ll thank yourself later. We’ve put together a little list of things to consider when thinking about a meal plan that will make the whole process easier.

Be Organised

As we said earlier, it will take a little bit of extra planning on your behalf to set up a meal plan, but nothing good comes easy. We recommend planning ahead for your three main meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) but also plan snacks in between those meals. This will make sure you stay on track and don’t get tempted by junk food. 

Things to consider when organising these meals is that you should ensure you’re getting quality protein with each meal (beef, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, soy, quinoa and buckwheat), complex carbs (veggies, sweet potatoes, brown rice), and healthy fats (avocado, nuts, etc.). Planning out this section will be your biggest task and we’ve got a few articles available to help you here - like this one.

Prep your snacks

Now snacking is probably a big hurdle for a lot of us when it comes to healthy eating, the junk food temptation can be a struggle. But if you plan out your snacking and prep them you might find that you’re  up to the challenge of overcoming those temptation. Great snacking options to keep on hand when 3:30itis hits could be something like a nut mix, low fat plain greek yogurt, berries or eggs. This article has other great ideas to consider.

Stock up on staples

Another great tip to also consider when meal planning is stocking up on staples like canned foods (tuna, beans, etc.) frozen veggies, and high-protein or brown-rice pasta. Having staples like this on hand will give you a safety blanket for those days when you need something in a pinch or want a change of scenery.

Be creative with your meals

Now staying on track throughout the week can also be a struggle people find when putting together a meal. One tip that could help curve the threat of cheating on your meal plan is experimenting with different herbs and spices like sesame seeds or turmeric. You could also try to include a range of different veggies like mushrooms, and fancy tomatoes, and add in exciting condiments like flavoured vinegars and condiments.

Use a Meal Plan Template


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