Immunity booster: things you can do to keep you healthy.

There’s not much worse than getting struck down with an illness, it’s even worse when you’re trying to build a consistent workout schedule. Just when everything is starting to click, you found classes you like, you feel yourself getting stronger, and sickness strikes and takes the wind out of your sails.

And while there is no one trick that solves everything there are a few things you can do with your nutrition that can help your immune system work effectively.

1. Eat a balanced diet

You’ve probably heard the go-to foods like citrus, chicken soup, and tea with honey, but there are several nutrients that are considered critical for optimal immune function. These include vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, selenium, iron, and protein. Fresh produce is packed full of these essential vitamins, but upping your nut and legume intake is also extremely beneficial. Where this isn’t possible you can also look to supplement by taking multivitamins.

2. Lifestyle changes

Studies have also found that in order to boost immune function it’s important to limit or stop unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption and replace them with healthy habits such as regular exercise.

3. focus on Improving your sleep

Sleep is sometimes referred to as our superpower, and science backs this up in regard to boosting immunity. Moreover, maintaining a regular sleeping pattern, waking up and going to bed at the same time each day helps our body enter deeper, more restorative sleep.


4. try to better Manage Stress

This is of course earlier said than done, but working towards better stress management will greatly improve your body's ability to function properly. There are several strategies that could work for you such as engaging in yoga or meditation in our Exhale Studio or simply practising breathing exercises.

5. Practice good personal hygiene.

It goes without saying that if you want to maintain your health it’s imperative that we practice good hygiene, washing out hands thoroughly throughout the day, especially after using the toilet, coughing or blowing your nose, and before and after preparing and eating food.

Incorporating these tips into your everyday routine can see you prime your body to fight infections and diseases in the most effective way possible, and in turn, keep you showing up to the gym and working towards creating the best version of yourself.


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