Blast your core with this 15-minute workout

A lot of people who enter the gym want to work towards a six-pack, but there is a lot more to your core fitness than just defined abs. Focusing on just your abs might mean you miss the entire unit - your core. Your core includes your abs, glutes, obliques, and spinal extensors, which sounds like a lot of muscle groups to target, but if you’re time-poor and want to quickly blast your entire core, we’ve got just the workout for you. 

The Exercises

Mountain Climber

1 minute on/30 seconds rest

  1. In this exercise, you’ll start in a plank position, with your arms shoulder-width apart.

  2. Begin to drive your right knee towards your chest as far as you can.

  3. Bring your right knee back to its starting position and perform the same motion with your left knee.

  4. It’s important to focus on your technique throughout this workout. Engage your core and keep your hips down. 

Russian Twist

1 minute on/30 seconds rest

  1. With Russian twists, you'll start sitting down. Keeping your knees bent, lift your feet up, creating a V shape with your upper and lower body.

  2. Engage your core, interlock your fingers in front of you and using your ab muscles twist towards one side, return to the centre, and then twist towards the other side.


30 seconds on/30 seconds rest

  1. Start this exercise in a plank position with your hands on the floor, a shoulder width apart, and engage your core and glute muscles.

  2. Bend your elbows and lower your body to the floor.

Glute Bridge

1 minute on/30 seconds rest

  1. Start this exercise with your back on the ground.

  2. Lift your hips towards the ceiling until your body is in a straight line from your shoulder up to your knees. 

  3. Once in this position, squeeze your glutes as tight as you can and hold for a few seconds.

  4. Return to the starting position.

Side Plank

30 second/30 seconds rest

  1. Lie on your side with your body forming a straight light, legs extended and your feet on top of one another. Move your elbow under your shoulder. 

  2. Engage your core and lift your hips towards the ceiling, ensuring your body stays in a straight line.

  3. Hold this position and then return to the starting position before repeating on the other side.


30 seconds/30 seconds rest

  1. Begin in a push-up position, with your hands under your shoulders and shoulder-width apart.

  2. Raise your body and keep your entire body in a straight line, pushing your toes into the ground and engaging your core. 

  3. Hold this position and then return to the starting position

Complete this circuit twice for a complete 15-minute workout that will get your heart rate up. Additionally, if you want to increase the intensity of any of these exercises speak to our FIT PTs and they can work with you to create variations.


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