New Year, New You

If you’re one of the many people who begin their year with ambitious fitness goals we welcome you. Investing in your physical health is a massively positive step and we here at FIT want to help you along that journey. But it goes without saying that a lot of fitness New Year Resolutions struggle to maintain steam once the initial motivation wears off, we hope this isn’t the case for you, but one surefire way to ensure you achieve that New Year, New You resolution is to work with a PT. Scheduling a workout with a personal trainer once a week could be just what you need, and here are a few reasons why.

A personal trainer can create tailor-made workouts for your goals

One of the best things a PT can bring to your fitness journey is a workout plan that focuses on your specific goals, and that works out goals that are achievable. You could google any number of workout plans that might work but a knowledgeable, professional can work with you to customise a plan for you.

They can monitor your form

Another massive benefit of working with a personal trainer is being able to utilise their expertise to ensure you’re doing your exercises the right way. It’s hard to know if you’re doing a movement correctly when you first start doing it but with a PT you’ll start using a proper technique from the start and not developing bad habits that in the long run could cause avoidable damage.

They can keep you accountable to your goals

We’ve harped on the fact that consistency is the difference maker in your fitness journey. You can visit this article to read more about setting realistic goals and the importance of consistency over intensity. However, one way we see people maintaining their fitness goals is by having a PT who can check in with them, who is waiting at the gym for them, and who will make sure they’re pushing each set.  PTs can be a real motivation booster when the going gets tough.

They can keep things fresh

PTs also have a great ability to mix things up before they get stale. When you follow an online training plan it’s rare that the workouts will feature many variations to keep things interesting, but with a personal trainer, they can integrate new training concepts, workouts, and ideas. All the while keeping things progressing towards your ultimate goal.

Find out more about our personal trainers here.


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