It’s a Legs Day


Your legs are the two lower limbs of your body that connect from the hips and includes your glutes, thighs, knees, shins, ankles and feet. They cover at least 50% of our overall body mass, hold our body up right and provide support and a range of movements.

From a scientific point of view, it has been proven that making your legs work with heavy loads enhance the production of growth hormone and testosterone in the body.

Your 20 Minute Workout that will get your legs trembling and can be done anywhere. 10 Exercises, 2 Rounds, 45 Seconds on, 15 Seconds rest.

 1. Plié Heel Lift – Right Leg

  • Take your legs out wide into a standing squat position.

  • Lowering down, standing straight, chest upright.

  • Hands out in front, lift the right heel up onto your toes and pulse.

2. Plié Heel Lift – Left Leg

  • Take your legs out wide into a standing squat position.

  • Lowering down, standing straight, chest upright.

  • Hands out in front, lift the left heel up onto your toes and pulse.


3. Forward lunge

  • Standing tall, step forward with one foot until your leg reaches a 90-degree angle.

  • Lift your front lunging leg back into standing position.

  • Alternate each leg.


4. Squats

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed out.

  • Chest up high, send your hips back to a seated squat position until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

  • Stand back up and repeat.


5. Reverse lunge

  • Standing tall, step backwards with one foot until your leg reaches a 90-degree angle.

  • Lift your back-lunging leg back into standing position.

  • Alternate each leg.


6. Glute Bridge

  • Sitting down, place your legs out front, knee width apart and with your hands behind your back, shoulder width apart. Lift your body into a bridge position.

  • Keeping your heels down, squeeze your glutes and lift your hips.

  • Lower back down and repeat.


7. Side Lying leg Lift – Left Side

  • Starting on your Left side, leaning on your elbow or lying flat.

  • Raise your right leg up as far as you can, lower back down and repeat.


8. Side Lying leg Lift – Right Side

  • Starting on your Right side, leaning on your elbow or lying flat.

  • Raise your left leg up as far as you can, lower back down and repeat.


9. Kickbacks – Left Side

  • Start by positioning yourself onto your knees, leaning on your elbows.

  • Raise your left leg backwards.

  • With your leg in the air, move it to the side of your body and back.


10.  Kickbacks – Right Side

  • Start by positioning yourself onto your knees, leaning on your elbows.

  • Raise your Right leg backwards.

  • With your leg in the air, move it to the side of your body and back.


Training your legs forces your body to use a massive amount of energy. To keep up with this, your metabolism increases by transforming your body reserves (Glycogen) into energy in a faster and more effective way.

INTERESTING FACT: What is the role of Glycogen?
Glycogen plays an important role in keeping our muscles fuelled for exercise. When we exercise, our muscles will take advantage of their stored glycogen. When the body needs a quick boost of energy or when the body isn’t getting glucose from food, glycogen is broken down to release glucose into a bloodstream to be used as fuel for the cells.

Food for thought
Muscles need proper nutrition otherwise what you do in your workout won’t matter. With the right food choices to complement your workouts, certain foods can also help target different muscles groups in your body. Just like your bones need vitamin D and calcium, your muscles need protein to stay strong and healthy. Eating right can be more than managing your weight.

The Summary
Your legs are what we use every day to get around so why not have them in the best possible shape you can get them to be in. Whether you want lean but strong or strong but bulky, combining a good balanced diet with your leg workouts will help you get the results you want. One doesn’t work without the other and like a car, you can’t exercise without adding fuel.


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Pump It Up