Pump It Up

2020-03 - FIT Lane Cove Shoot-1018.jpg

Group classes can seem a bit daunting, you probably feel that they're full of people already knowing what they’re doing. There’s no beginners or advanced groups to most of these classes, but with easy routines to follow anyone can simply join. 

What do group classes offer? 

There are some days where it’s hard to find the motivation to get to the club but when you know you are booked in, have made the commitment and will be entering a room full of other people, (and I guarantee there are some people there who would also feel the same as you) that is the only motivation you need.

Your instructor will be directing all the moves for you to follow. They will always start each routine with what moves they will be going into and as long as you know your Left to Right, you should be fine. If you end up behind too many people and can’t see the instructor properly, then just follow the person in front. Most classes use the same combination of moves just in different routines. The more times you attend that class, the easier the routines will become.

The ability to meet like-minded people. Your will all obviously be working out, however being in a group class, with others who also enjoy it makes the situation relatable to your fellow workout buddies. Everyone in there, at some point were a newbie and would not hesitate a friendly chat before the class starts or when you have all finished and everyone’s adrenaline is pumping.

There are so many different classes to choose from that offer an array of different fitness workouts. You don’t have to like them all but at least try giving each class a go once to see if it suits you. Such classes here at FIT’s STUDIO ONE include Body Pump, IGNITE, O2, BURN and WOD (Workout Of The Day).

What is a class without its music? Performing the same movement pattern as a group results in an amplified feeling of mood elevation. Music naturally boosts dopamine, the neurotransmitter that drives your brain’s reward system. The music, atmosphere and energy in the room will make it all very enjoyable.


Let’s get to know more about our Body Pump Class.

What is Body Pump?
A class created by Les Mills, a four-time Olympian who opened his first gym in 1968 for a small community of athlete’s in Auckland, New Zealand. Body Pump is a full body strength workout that will get the heart racing and endorphins pumping. It’s a barbell class that is the ideal workout for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit, fast.  Instructors will coach you through scientifically- backed moves and techniques pumping out encouragement and motivation.

What’s the proper way of using a barbell?
First and foremost, proper form helps you work more efficiently so you can use your energy for the extra push rather than wasted movements. Improper form may mean you are targeting unintended muscles or muscle groups. Using an overhand grip, hinge your hips and knees and grab the bar. Your hands should be at shoulder-width distance. Engaging your core and glutes while keeping the bar as close to your body as possible, thrust your hips forward as you stand up with the barbell.

Want to perfect your technique? Here are some exercises you will come across in this class.

 Barbell Back Squat

  • Grab a barbell inside a squat rack, with your hands a bit wider than shoulder width apart.

  • Go underneath the bar and push your upper back against the bar, resting the bar on the very top of your upper back.

  • Pushing your hips back, bend your knees to lower into a squat.

  • Drive your knees and push both feet to stand back up.


Barbell Front Squat

  • Start by standing underneath the bar, with the feet parallel and the bar resting on your collarbone.

  • Grab your hands, with your hands a bit wider than shoulder width apart, elbows bent and facing forward, palms facing.

  • Pushing your hips back, bend your knees to lower into a squat.

  • Drive your knees and push both feet to stand back up.


Bent Over Row

  • Grip your hands over the barbell, with your hands a bit wider than shoulder width apart

  • Bend your knees slightly and push your hips back, leaning your torso forward until it’s parallel to the floor

  • Keep the barbell close to your body, standing up straight vertically and looking straight ahead.

  • Moving the barbell up and only moving your arms and elbows up. Keeping your hips hinged



  • Grip your hands over the barbell, with your hands a bit wider than shoulder width apart.

  • Starting by lifting the bar up in a small movement that your shoulders are getting a small lift.

  • Keeping the bar close to you as you go up and down and keeping your jaw relaxed.

Using a barbell in any exercise is a great way to develop a strong upper body and add size to your back. Targeting biceps, lats and your core.  Try out our Body Pump class in StudioOne the next time you’re at the gym.  


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