Must Do Stretches For Any Workout

Stretching and working out can be a confusing topic. There was a time when static stretching was the done thing before a workout. Now, however, we now know better. Static stretching will actually lead to a decrease in strength, power and explosiveness during the workout. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t stretch at all. Before the workout, you should do dynamic stretching, with static stretching coming at the end of your session. Here are 6 must do stretches, 3 for before and 3 for after, your workout.

Pre-workout Stretches
Before your workout you should be doing dynamic stretches, where you move a part of the body through its full range of motion. Here are the 3 key pre-workout stretches to do, regardless of what your workout involves.

1. Bodyweight Squats
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hands clasped together in front of your chest. Looking directly ahead, hinge at the hips to drop down to a parallel squat position. Be sure to keep your lower back naturally arched. Now push through your heels to return to the start position

2. Arm Circles
Stand with your arms by your sides and rotate them together in windmill fashion to make large circles. Do not bend your arms, with the motion occurring at the shoulder joint.

3. Chest In & Out
Stand with your arms outstretched at your sides, elbows slightly bent. Now bring your arms in to ‘hug’ your chest. Feel for a contraction of the chest. Now extend the arms back out to stretch out the pectorals and the latissimus dorsi. 

Pre-workout Stretch Routine:

  • Bodyweight Squats - 2 x 15 reps

  • Arm Circles - 2 x 15 reps

  • Chest In & Out - 2 x 15 reps

Post Workout Stretches
Performing static stretching after your workout will help you to cool down and recover from your session. Research indicates that static stretching will increase blood flow to the muscles, allowing for a greater supply of nutrients and oxygen to speed recovery and regrowth. Static stretching also helps the central nervous system to calm down after the workout. Here are three key exercises to perform after your workout is done.

1. Lunging Hip Flexor Stretch
Kneel down on your right knee with your hands on your hips. Your left knee should be bent with that foot flatly on the ground. Now lean forward to stretch the right hip flexor. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other side.

2. Cat Cow Stretch
Get down on the floor on all fours, with hands and knees on the floor. Keep your lower back in a naturally arched position. Look directly ahead as you sink your belly toward the floor and arch your torso downward. Now reverse the motion to come back up, rounding your back as you do so. As you do so, tuck in your tailbone and suck in your stomach. Repeat this motion in a fluid action.

3. Chest Stretch
Stand with your arms at your sides. Reach behind your body to clasp your hands together. Straighten your arms as you thrust your chest forward. Lift your arms as high as you can behind you and hold for 20 seconds.

Post Workout Stretch Routine

  • Lunging Hip Flexor Stretch - 3 x 30 seconds each side

  • Cat Cow Stretch - 10 up/down stretches

  • Chest Stretch - 3 x 20 second stretch




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