Outdoor Running Workout

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Running is a type of workout that, you’d think, doesn’t need much explaining. We all know how to run (or think we do) so, surely, it’s just a matter of getting out there and doing it? Actually, there’s more to it than that. There are a lot of different types of running workouts designed for different purposes and levels of training experience. While we are stuck in lockdown, incorporate these sample outdoor running workouts for beginners, intermediate and advanced runners into your weekly routine.

Outdoor Running Workout for Beginners

Tempo Run
A tempo run involves running at a pace that is challenging but comfortable. In other words, you will need to push yourself to achieve the pace but will be able to comfortably sustain it throughout the workout. 

For this run, your workout will last for 30 minutes. Begin with five minutes at an easy pace then run at tempo pace (85% of your max heart rate) for 3 minutes. Follow this with 3 minutes of recovery. If you are a brand new runner this could involve brisk walking. Otherwise, proceed at an easy jogging pace. Continue this back and forth between tempo running and recovering until you have run for 25 minutes. Complete the workout with a 5 minute warm down at an easy pace.

Outdoor Running Workout for Intermediates

Progression Workout
A progression workout involves starting out at an easy pace and then gradually increasing your pace to an intense finish. This workout will tax both your aerobic and anaerobic systems in the same session. 

This workout will last for 45 minutes. For the first 15 minutes run at an easy pace. Then step it up to a comfortable pace for the next 15 minutes. Finish with 15 minutes at an intense pace. 

Outdoor Running Workout for Advanced Runners

Interval Running Workout
Interval training running workouts are among the toughest type of running sessions out there. They involve sprinting for a length of time, having a short rest, and then repeating for a set number of rounds. This is a great way to get your endurance levels up if you are working toward a marathon. It is also a great fat-burning workout.

Do this workout on a running track, if you have access to one. The workout involves doing 8 rounds of 800-metre sprints. Run all out for two laps of the track, timing yourself as you do so. Then run easily for the same length of time that it took you to run the 800 metres. As soon as that time is expired begin your next sprint, again timing yourself. Strive to maintain the pace of your first round. Once this sprint is over, jog for the same length of time again. Continue this routine until you have completed 8 sprints and jogs. 

7 Tips to Improve Your Running Form

  • Maintain a neutral spine, keeping your body upright

  • Keep your shoulders down and back

  • Maintain a natural arm swing from the shoulder

  • Keep your core tight

  • Land lightly

  • Avoid overextending your knees

  • Lean forward slightly


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