Post-workout stretches for recovery

When it comes to creating a well-rounded workout plan it's important to prioritise recovery, in fact, some would argue that recovery is just as important as the workouts themselves. Recovery helps prevent injury, reduce soreness, and improve our overall performance. One easy tool everyone should add to their recovery toolbox is stretching. We’ve put together some of the best stretches for recovery after working out with a particular focus on yoga poses.

Child's pose

Child's pose is a great stretch for the lower back, hips, and thighs. Start on your hands and knees, then sit back on your heels, stretching your arms out in front of you. Breathe deeply and hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Downward-facing dog

Downward-facing dog is a classic yoga stretch that targets the hamstrings, calves, and lower back. Start on your hands and knees, then lift your hips up and back, straightening your arms and legs. Breathe deeply and hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Pigeon pose

Pigeon pose is a deep stretch for the hips and glutes. Start in a lunge position, with your left knee forward and your right leg extended behind you. Lower your left knee to the ground, and stretch your right leg out behind you. Fold forward over your left leg and breathe deeply. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then switch sides.

Cobra pose

Cobra pose is a great stretch for the chest and abs. Lie face down on the ground, then press your hands into the ground and lift your chest up, arching your back. Keep your shoulders down and away from your ears. Breathe deeply and hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Seated forward bend

Seated forward bend is a gentle stretch for the hamstrings and lower back. Sit on the ground with your legs extended in front of you. Reach forward and fold over your legs, keeping your spine straight. Breathe deeply and hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Happy baby pose

Happy baby pose is a fun stretch for the hips and lower back. Lie on your back, then bend your knees and grab onto the outsides of your feet. Gently pull your knees down towards the ground, keeping your feet pointed towards the ceiling. Breathe deeply and hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Legs up the wall pose

Legs up the wall pose is a relaxing stretch for the legs and lower back. Sit with your hips against a wall, then swing your legs up the wall so that your heels are resting against the wall. Relax your arms by your sides and breathe deeply. Hold for 5-10 minutes.

Incorporating at least a few of these stretches into your post-workout routine can help you significantly, it will allow your body to recover faster and help you feel even better after your workouts. Adding some yoga poses specifically adds an extra layer of relaxation and recovery.


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