Tips to keep your heart healthy


Your heart is arguably the most vital organ in your body, constantly busy pumping blood and nutrients all around your body to your other organs. So it makes perfect sense that keeping your heart healthy should be one of your top priorities.

Ensure your nurturing your heart

One of the essential factors in maintaining a healthy heart is a well-balanced diet. Unlike other wellness/fitness goals, you can definitely eat your way to a healthy heart. Pick foods that are rich in nutrients and antioxidants and they’ll help reduce your risk of heart disease. 

Look to include the following in your diet:

  • leafy greens,

  • whole grains,

  • nuts,

  • berries,

  • fatty fish 

And look to avoid; 

  • foods high in saturated and trans fats

  • processed foods

  • fried foods

  • sugary snacks.

Make time for recovery

R&R: Rest & Recovery. These two things are critical for a healthy heart. We want you to work hard when you’re at FIT, but you also need to give your body enough time to recover after your workouts. 

Work out your mental fitness

I’m sure we can all think of a time when we’ve been stressed and anxious. Prolonged periods of stress and anxiety can have a significant impact on our hearts. Start off easy by carving out a small amount of time in your day to meditate or practice yoga as doing this can lower blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Physical exercise

Getting your heart racing by doing physical exercise can help improve heart functions like circulation, it can also reduce blood pressure.

Keep up your fluids

Staying hydrated can also improve circulation and reduce your risk of blood clots. Studies suggest we should aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day, and look to avoid sugary drinks and excessive alcohol consumption.


Post-workout stretches for recovery


Make cardio fun with these tips