Should I Be Eating Organic?

With inflation skyrocketing around the world, our fruits and vegetables are seemingly getting more expensive by the week. Buying organic adds a whole new layer of expense to the grocery shopping bill. So, is it really worth that extra cost? Let’s find out if earring organic actually makes sense.

What is Organic Food?

The word organic refers to the way that food is produced. When it comes to crops, organic foods are those that are produced absent the use of any pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers or genetic modifications. The soil that the crops are grown in must also be completely free of any fertilizers or other contaminants. Pests and weeds are controlled using natural methods such as crop rotation and traps. 

Organic livestock must be raised in living conditions that replicate its natural environment. All food and forage fed to the animals must be organic and the animal must not be given any antibiotics, growth hormones or other artificial additives. 

Health Benefits of Eating Organic

1. Organic Tastes Better

When you bite into an organic piece of fruit, your taste buds will immediately notice the difference. The fertilizers and other additives in non-organic foods robs it of its natural taste and flavor. 

2. Organic Food is Usually Fresher

Non-organic foods often have preservatives added to them to make them last longer on the shelf. Organic foods don’t, so what you see in the grocery store is going to be a lot fresher. If you buy your organic produce from a Farmer’s Market, it is likely to have been in the ground just a day before you buy it. 

3. Decreased Risk of Disease

A number of common pesticides, fertilizers and preservatives have been linked to cancer. In fact, several of them are listed as such by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

4. More Nutrient Density

Organically produced foods contain more health-giving nutrients than their non-organic counterparts. In one study, it was shown that organically produced milk and meat contained 50 percent more omega-3 fatty acids than non-organic options. 

5. Better for the Environment

Organic farming practices are much better for the environment. They result in reduced levels of pollution, greater water conservation, reduced soil erosion and reduced energy consumption.

How Much More Does Organic Cost?

There is no doubt that buying organic makes sense healthwise and in terms of protecting the environment. But how does it really stack up cost-wise? Consumer Reports Org. undertook an in-depth analysis in 2020 and found that the differences are not as great as most people think. The difference between organic and non-organic is usually less than a dollar per item. 

Here are five examples, based on 2020 prices:

Wrap Up

So, should you be buying organic? Yes, you should make the effort to go organic as much as your budget allows. You can reduce the cost by buying frozen and canned organic foods and making use of your local farmer’s market. The extra money you might pay will be well worth it when you bite into food that is much fresher, tastier and better for you. 


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