45 Minute  TechnoGym SkillRun Workout

The treadmill is one of the oldest and most popular pieces of cardio equipment on the planet. Now, an innovative fitness company called Technogym has taken treadmill workouts to a whole new level with their TechnoGym SkillRun Treadmill. 

Designed to train the pillars of athletic conditioning and performance, the SkillRun combines treadmill, sled and parachute training in a single platform so you can boost your explosive power, enhance your top speed and maximise your training effectiveness. In this article, we’ll lay out an insanely effective full body 45 minute TechnoGym Skillrun Workout.

Workout Parameters
This 45-minute cardio and power workout makes use of the Technogym’s sled and sprint capabilities. After a 5 minute warm-up, you will be changing it up between medium intensity running, hard out sprints and sled training. Rapidly changing between these three modes will keep your heart rate elevated as it challenges your cardiovascular muscular endurance. At the same time, your explosive power will be maximized and your caloric fat burn will be turned up to the max.

If you have never been on the TechnoGym SkillRun treadmill before, start out slow and spend a couple of sessions getting used to the unique feel of the sled action before you push it to the limits. To operate the sled function, you simply input the resistance level that you want to push, the distance you wish to travel, and the rest between sets. For this workout, you just set the resistance and distance and then follow the workout plan. The resistance level will remain the same throughout the entire workout. 

This workout runs through 4 cycles that involves jogging, sprinting and sled pushing. With each cycle, you will increase the incline of the treadmill bed to ramp up the intensity.

The Workout

Warm up: 5 minutes  

  • 2 minutes at casual walking speed / 2 minutes at fast walking speed / 1 minute at jogging speed

Cycle One: 11 minutes

  • 3 Minutes - Fast Jog (Zero Incline)

  • Sled - 20 metres

  • 2 Minutes - Medium Jog

  • Sled - 20 metres

  • 1 Minute - Medium Jog

  • 1 Minute - Fast Sprint 

  • Sled - 20 metres

  • 1 Minute Slow Jog

Cycle Two: 11 minutes

  • 3 Minutes - Fast Jog (10 Degree Incline)

  • Sled - 20 metres

  • 2 Minutes - Medium Jog (10 Degree Incline)

  • Sled - 20 metres

  • 1 Minute - Medium Jog (10 Degree Incline)

  • 1 Minute - Fast Sprint (10 Degree Incline)

  • Sled - 20 metres

  • 1 Minute Slow Jog (10 Degree Incline)

Cycle Three: 11 minutes

  • 3 Minutes - Fast Jog (Zero Incline)

  • Sled - 20 metres

  • 2 Minutes - Medium Jog (15 Degree Incline)

  • Sled - 20 metres

  • 1 Minute - Medium Jog (15 Degree Incline)

  • 1 Minute - Fast Sprint (15 Degree Incline)

  • Sled - 20 meters

  • 1 Minute Slow Jog (15 Degree Incline)

Cycle Four: 5 Minutes

  • 1 minute - Medium Jog (20 Degrees Incline)

  • Sled - 20 meters

  • 1 minute - Medium Jog (20 Degrees Incline)

  • 1 Minute Fast Sprint (20 Degrees Incline)


  • 2 Minute Slow Jog (Zero Incline)

Wrap Up

This is an extremely intense workout that is designed to challenge fit and strong people. You shouldn’t try this type of training unless you are used to pushing your body both aerobically and anaerobically for extended periods of time. You should also limit this type of training to no more than 2 or 3 times per week. On other days, do lighter, less intense cardio to allow for active recovery.  


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