
As we say goodbye to the end of the Winter season, where the mornings have been cold and the evenings become dark early, we can start counting the days to the warmer months ahead and feel that shift in our mood. Summer is only around the corner, but if you're a beginner and you're still counting Summer as a whole three months away then here is your guide to getting your exercise routine ramped up in the Spring time will get you feeling Summer ready both physically and mentally. For most of us, who have opted for indoor workouts in the cold and wet weather or have only been able to do minimal workouts altogether, this is the best time to find the motivation to get back into it.

Here are a few tips on how to get Spring ready

  • If possible, try walking to the gym. That boost of sunshine will get you into the right frame of mind and it’s a bonus warm-up.

  • During the working week (whether you are at home or in the office) ensure you spend some time outside during your lunch break.

  • Book a FIT studio class for straight after work, knowing that if you get this done straight away then the sun may still be up when you walk outside into the evening.

If sunshine is your jam, take the workout outdoors onto our FIT balcony. Here are a few reasons why you should take your exercise outside.

  • Breathing in cleaner air equals great health benefits for your lungs and your heart.

  • You can have the best of both worlds, with the benefit of our outdoor functional fitness equipment and being outdoors.

  • Improving your mood and overall mental health especially if you have a lot going on in your mind.

  • It’s a great boost of Vitamin D and the best way to get this is by exposing your skin safely to the sun. Don’t forget to wear SPF if your skin is sensitive to the sun or you are prone to burning.

  • Invite others to join you outside for a change of scenery, this will push you to work harder.

Still struggling to find the motivation to get your exercise routine sorted. Here are a few things to consider before you start.

1. Choose the right time of day for you. 
Before work, during your lunch break or straight after work. Maximise using daylight as your motivation. 

2. Change up your workout routine
Get a good balance of workouts ticked off each week. Try completing a workout from each of our different studios, do a weights session on the balcony and for those days where you just can’t make it in, try one of our FITLIFE on-demand classes online.

3. Set up your beats
We all know that listening to music while you exercise helps with the motivation of moving your body. Not only does it help you focus on the activity at hand but it can help improve the quality of your workout by increasing your stamina and setting your pace. The National Centre for Health Research in Washington, DC has done several studies, proving that music that is motivational or synchronized with your exercise is shown to have physical and psychological effects. Choose music to go with the pace of your workout.

4. Time for a new health kick
With a new mindset of what's ahead, it’s time to relook at your fridge and pantry items. You may or may not have noticed that your pantry has been stocked up with all the Winter carbohydrates and Netflix treats that will no longer serve you that comforting purpose. Now, before you think you need to devour all your treats at once, if you're money-conscious like us, save these foods for a rainy day or pay it forward to a friend. We all know that Covid has brought some financial stress on people, so if there’s a friend in need then pass the items along, as they will also be doing you a favour by helping you with your new health kick.

So next time you are dreaming about a sunny Summer day, laying on the beach or making a splash at the beach, remember that Spring is your time to step up and get your fitness and motivation to its peak.


Wearable Fitness Tech
