
To some women this may seem like a no-go zone, too much of a daunting task, an uncertain and unfamiliar exercise facility or it moved into the “too hard” basket. In all fairness, unless you are already an active person, then of course you may not feel comfortable with the thought of exercise during your pregnancy. It is important to know which exercises to do in order to support your journey in the safest way possible. Whether this is your first, second or third pregnancy or you have decided you wanted to increase your overall fitness level.

Have you got the all clear from your doctor to exercise? This is the first and foremost question to ask them, if perhaps you were wanting to try a new exercise activity that you may not already be familiar with. Here are just a few examples of baby safe exercises you can do.

1. Walking
The safest exercise for any pregnant woman which is also the most basic of movements, a brisk walk. Simply getting up and moving several times a week affords many benefits during pregnancy, including lowering the risk of gestational diabetes, which is diagnosed in pregnancies and reducing weight gain. This activity can be done anywhere, outdoors or on a treadmill in the club to moderate your speed and ensure you achieve a well rounded walking workout.

2. Jogging
If you were an active jogger before falling pregnant, with an experienced fitness level then this is safe for you. We don’t recommend starting this exercise if you are not experienced, this is something that you should not take up after you have fallen pregnant. Breathlessness is not advised as it can starve the foetus of oxygen. Slow down and take it easy. Outdoors on safe tracks and treadmills are good for this. 

3. Yoga
Yoga is a type of exercise that can aid in better mental health and all round ease of movement for the body including exercises for your pelvic floor. Yoga uses focused breathing and mindfulness techniques which has shown to decrease stress, anxiety and depression whilst increasing your overall mood. These techniques can also be a great tool to take into labour with you.

4. Pilates
Pilates, like yoga, helps support and improve your core and pelvic floor muscles. Modifications will need to be made during each trimester to ensure that your growing baby is not being affected by various movements that you may need to do. For example, you will need to minimise the amount of abdominal exercise you may do in one exercise workout. 

5. Meditation
Meditation can help you cope with a variety of physical and emotional stresses during pregnancy and through to the final labour. Meditation can assist with the overall experience and help guide you through with techniques on how to ease the mind and body.

No matter where you are in your pregnancy, there is no right or wrong time to decide which activity is best for you to start doing. If brisk walking is all you achieve then that is good enough for you and if you're fortunate enough to experience another pregnancy then aim to add another exercise to your routine and if it's jogging you want to do, remember to try that when you're not pregnant. Each pregnancy is different so just listen to your body and always consult with your doctor first.

Here are a few simple exercise routines for each trimester in your pregnancy.

First Trimester
The weeks when you feel like doing absolutely nothing and your body is adjusting to a new way of living, for the next 9 months at least. 

Complete each exercise and then repeat

  1. Squats - 45 Seconds 

  2. Romanian Deadlift (No bar) 30 Seconds per leg

  3. Curtsey Lunges 30 Seconds per leg

  4. Push Ups x 15 reps 

  5. Bent over row with light weights or water 500ml water bottles x 15 reps

  6. Plank - 30 Seconds 

  7. Reverse lunges, L Leg  x 20 Reps

  8. Reverse lunges, R Leg  x 20 Reps

All Trimesters - Low impact strength and cardio

Complete each exercise for 20 reps or 1 minute each and repeat two or three times depending on your fitness level.

  1. Lunge, back row and tricep kick (using weights) x 20 reps

  2. Sumo Squat and overhead press (using weights)  x 20 reps

  3. Squat and double side step - 1 Minute

  4. Squat punch and row (using weights) x 20 reps

  5. Sumo Squat pulse and alternating hammer curl x 20 reps

  6. Tap and knee strike,  30 seconds per leg

Labour Inducing Exercises

  1. Walking

  2. Wall lean forward bend

  3. Squats

  4. Lunges

  5. Yoga Ball

  6. Pelvic Tilts

  7. Cat to Cow Pose (Yoga Stretch)

  8. Climbing Up Stairs

  9. Sitting down, Forward Fold

  10. Back Stretches 

If you were able to exercise throughout your pregnancy, then these exercises are also great to be used as postnatal exercises. However, you will need clearance from your GP to start and modify where necessary.

Check out our Exhale Studio timetable to book in for various classes on Yoga, Meditation and Pilates. 




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