Prepare for Winter: How to Stay Active and Healthy when the Weather is cooling down

As winter approaches and the temperatures start to drop, it can be very tempting to hit snooze and stay in your warm bed instead of heading out to do a workout. But don't let the colder weather derail your fitness routine! We’ve put together a few tips to help you stay active and healthy during the colder months.

1. Try a new class

When the weather outside is frightful, it could be a great time for you to take a swing at a few different workouts. You could try one of our Exhale Classes, Exhale Reformer Classes, Cycle, or RUN Athletic classes. With Five Studios to pick from there are loads of possibilities.

2. Stay hydrated

One easy thing you can start doing when winter hits is to keep your fluids up! When it's colder outside we can neglect to drink water, it’s much easier to remember when it’s hot and sweaty. But it’s actually just as important to stay hydrated in the winter as it is in the summer. So this winter be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day and bring a water bottle with you to your workouts.

3. Make sure you’re fueling your body

Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is essential all year round, but even more so during the winter months. So this winter make sure your shopping list is jam-packed full of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. This will ensure that your body is fueled and energised. 

4. Remember to stay motivated

This can be the hardest of all these tips, but keeping your motivation high is extremely important. We’ve got a bunch of blog posts that could help you such as these two:

New Year, New You

This article will take you through how FIT can work with you to help you stay motivated and achieve your fitness goals.

Set Realistic Fitness Goals for the New Year

This article looks at how to set obtainable and realistic fitness goals that we here at FIT can help you work towards.

Another great tool to keep you motivated is to find a workout buddy to keep you accountable and motivated.

So this winter, don't let the colder weather get you down and throw your hard work out the window. With a little bit of preparation, motivation and willpower, you can keep chipping away at those goals!


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