2020-03 - FIT Lane Cove Shoot-1308.jpg

While we are battling a global health pandemic, it is more important then ever to continue exercising, even though you can’t visit the gym right now. There are countless positives to maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, but particularly right now, it can help boost your immunity and keep your mind in a good space - plus, you may or may not have been ‘treating’ yourself to some extra comfort food that has to be burnt off. Here are our top tips for keeping motivated. 

1. Get your mental game strong.
If you are a bit out of your usual schedule or struggling to adapt to not having a physical gym to go to it will be easy for your mind to find 100 reasons why you would rather not workout. Keep in your mindset that you are cheating yourself by not working out, and as much of a struggle as it may be to make that first step, or even get changed into your gym clothes, you will always feel glad you did it afterwards. Harness that feeling and keep it in your mind for the next time you are unmotivated.

2. Set up a schedule for your workouts every week and stick to it.
Plan ahead, put the workouts or classes you want to complete in your diary as an appointment you can’t miss. Your health and wellbeing is your most important thing, prioritise it in your schedule that way too.

3. Find a friend.
While we are still social distancing, we can’t be ‘with’ our friends, but we can still challenge each other, encourage and motivate each other. By being involved with each others workout and progress we are more likely to stay on track and enjoy the social aspect of working out, even if it is by digital means at the moment.

4. Pace yourself.
If you are struggling to get back into the swing of things, pace yourself. Set smaller goals, like running for 10 minutes or completing 3 classes a week and as that becomes a habit, gradually up the ante.

5. Challenge yourself.
Keep your motivation by setting yourself challenges. Mentally and physically competing with yourself is a great way to keep yourself on track and always moving forward. Set a goal for yourself, it could be as simple as running for 30 minutes straight or the ability to lift a certain amount of weight or it may even be a feeling or how you look. Set it and work towards it, one step at a time.




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