Our FIT journal.

Fitness FIT Lane Cove Fitness FIT Lane Cove


You take your workout seriously. You train hard, pushing your physical limits and leaving nothing behind, but, did you realise that the most important part of your workout takes place before you even grab a weight? Now that we are on the verge of heading back into the club here are a few ways to get you back into the right in-club mindset.

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Fitness FIT Lane Cove Fitness FIT Lane Cove


While we are battling a global health pandemic, it is more important then ever to continue exercising, even though you can’t visit the gym right now. There are countless positives to maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, but particularly right now, it can help boost your immunity and keep your mind in a good space - plus, you may or may not have been ‘treating’ yourself to some extra comfort food that has to be burnt off. Here are our top tips for keeping motivated.

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Fitness, Nutrition FIT Lane Cove Fitness, Nutrition FIT Lane Cove

13 Ways to Kickstart Your Metabolism

Your rate of metabolism dictates how quickly (or slowly) you burn calories. If your goal is to get a lean, fat free body, then the more things that you can do boost your metabolism, the faster you will achieve your goals.

In this article, we reveal 13 hacks to kickstarting your metabolism to burn off unwanted body fat around the clock.

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Fitness FIT Lane Cove Fitness FIT Lane Cove

What Shoes Should You Be Wearing TO LIFT?

The massive surge in popularity of gym training has brought with it the inevitable raft of consumer products ready to cash in on the public’s fitness obsession. Some of these products are actually beneficial (think of the shaker bottle), but most of them are simply time and money wasters.

At first glance, you might be inclined to put weightlifting shoes in the latter category. After all, the old-time lifters didn’t wear special training shoes. In fact, you can find dozens of photos online of the greatest physiques of all time squatting in bare feet (yes, I’m talking about Arnold!).

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Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove

A Complete Guide to Yin Yoga

Yoga has enjoyed a boom in popularity throughout the Western world in recent years. One of the lesser known forms of yoga, yet one that holds great promise for everyone, is called Yin Yoga. Never heard of it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Now’s the time to get up to speed on Yin Yoga.

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