Our FIT journal.

Fitness FIT Lane Cove Fitness FIT Lane Cove

Cycle into A Spin Class

Spin bikes, you either love them or hate them. If you’re not an avid cyclist, then the thought of getting onto a bike at the gym probably won’t interest you at first. But the difference between the two, is one is used by cycling out on the road with probably a lot of traffic around them and the other is used by getting onto a stationary bike at the gym. Keyword here being stationary.

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quick and easy Functional fitness workout

Functional Fitness Training helps the body move, correcting muscle imbalances and assisting in good health and longevity. It is all about movement and patterns of movements that make daily activities easier to do. A durable and functional body will protect you from injury and help you to stay in good shape for later life, with free and easy movement for years to come.

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Grow Your Glutes

Booty, butt, buttocks, derrière or whatever you may call it, they are all of the same part of the body… Your glutes.What are your GlutesThe gluteal muscles are a group of three muscles which make up the buttocks: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. The gluteus maximus is the largest and most superficial of the three gluteal muscles which makes up a large portion of the shape and appearance of the hips. The function of the muscles includes extension, abduction, external rotation, and internal rotation of the hip joint. Thanks Wikipedia!

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Fitness, Nutrition FIT Lane Cove Fitness, Nutrition FIT Lane Cove

3 Tips to get Summer Ready

As the warmer weather heats up and the days become longer, we are seeing ourselves spending more time outdoors and socialising. Having said that, some of us may be feeling a little self-conscious that we were not in the best shape we hoped to be in especially, being beach ready.

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A Beginners Guide to Gym Equipment

Joining a gym can feel like the most daunting step for any beginner or for someone who is trying to find the motivation to get back to the gym after a hiatus. Once you have signed up and actually start working out, you might get a feeling of being overwhelmed to see all the different gym equipment available. If you haven’t started up with a Personal Trainer to show you the ropes, you might ask yourself what the different equipment are, the benefits of each and how it is best used. Is it something that you would like to add to your workout?

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3 Tips to Get You Working Out

Working out is a very physical thing, but getting yourself to the point where you are actually doing it is all mental. In order to become a regular exerciser, you need to conquer the fitness mind game. Here are 3 key tips to help you overcome your procrastination and develop a workout habit.

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Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove

A Complete Guide to Hatha Yoga

The popularity of yoga over the last few years has seen millions of people embracing the practice. Many of them would never have imagined themselves doing so. Yet, they have been won over by the physical, mental and spiritual benefits that yoga presents. In this article, we focus on one of the most practical and popular forms of yoga, Hatha.

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How to Run 5KM in 5 Weeks

Somewhere you picked this fun notion to be a runner. You don’t even like running. Back in school, you dreaded it. And, yet here you are – reading an article on how to train for and complete your first 5km. 

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Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove

7 Exercises for Stress Relief

This is definitely a year that will go into the history books, thanks to Covid-19 and its massive curveball of a pandemic that we didn’t see coming.  We all know that every single person has been affected in some way or another and I’m sure this has brought with it some level of stress too. There are some people who have taken exercise by its stride and used every lockdown moment to do as many workouts as possible and then there are others who without the gym, didn’t feel like exercising and saw themselves, mentally drained, feeling sluggish and putting on a few extra kilograms. Enter in, low self-esteem.

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If you thought you’d seen it all when it comes to treadmills, get ready to have your mind blown. The SKILLRUN Treadmill from Technogym is the new standard-setter when it comes to serious gym workouts. Let’s find out why.

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Fitness FIT Lane Cove Fitness FIT Lane Cove


Have you noticed that girl in the gym doing her lunges across the gym floor with a resistance band around her thighs or that guy doing bicep curls with the bands held down with his feet, and thought to yourself that you want to try it too? All you need to know is, the different types of resistance bands out there and how effective they are to each exercise you want to do. All in all, all of them help you tone your muscles.

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Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove


We currently offer three different styles of yoga classes here at FIT, Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin Yoga. Do you know the difference between them or which one is best suited to you? The great thing about these classes is, that they are suited to any age, body type and fitness level. With class offerings ranging from beginners, intermediate and advanced classes. No one has turned up to their first yoga class (unless they were a dancer or gymnast) able to execute advanced yoga poses. Yoga develops strength and balance as well as flexibility and this all takes practice.

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Wearable Fitness Tech

Back in the day it might have all been about the step count, but these days smartwatches are capturing so much more and using data analytics to help you accurately track your progress across many disciplines. Who would have thought you could fit all of that into something so small.

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Fitness FIT Lane Cove Fitness FIT Lane Cove


As we say goodbye to the end of the Winter season, where the mornings have been cold and the evenings become dark early, we can start counting the days to the warmer months ahead and feel that shift in our mood. Summer is only around the corner, but if you're a beginner and you're still counting Summer as a whole three months away then here is your guide to getting your exercise routine ramped up in the Spring time will get you feeling Summer ready both physically and mentally. For most of us, who have opted for indoor workouts in the cold and wet weather or have only been able to do minimal workouts altogether, this is the best time to find the motivation to get back into it.

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Fitness FIT Lane Cove Fitness FIT Lane Cove


To some women this may seem like a no-go zone, too much of a daunting task, an uncertain and unfamiliar exercise facility or it moved into the “too hard” basket. In all fairness, unless you are already an active person, then of course you may not feel comfortable with the thought of exercise during your pregnancy. It is important to know which exercises to do in order to support your journey in the safest way possible. Whether this is your first, second or third pregnancy or you have decided you wanted to increase your overall fitness level.

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Fitness FIT Lane Cove Fitness FIT Lane Cove


Should we all be setting our alarms to go off before the crack of dawn or scheduling our exercise routine for that tension release after a long hard day at work. It’s an age old debate that has all fitness goers making their own decisions to which part of the day suits them best. Truth is, the best time of the day is the one that suits you. 

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Fitness FIT Lane Cove Fitness FIT Lane Cove

How to Work with a Foam Roller

Think what it would be like to be able to afford a sports massage after every workout. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Well, when you’ve got a foam roller, that is exactly what you can get, and you don’t even have to pay a professional for the privilege. In this article, we provide a quick heads up on how to work with a foam roller.

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Fitness FIT Lane Cove Fitness FIT Lane Cove

Training Tips for First Time Runners

You think that running would be easy. After all, we’ve been doing it our whole lives. But when it comes to running for exercise, or even competitively, it’s important to learn the proper technique. That way you’ll be able to run more efficiently and dramatically lower your risk of injury. Here are nine key tips to help newbie runners get on top of their running technique.

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Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove

A Complete Guide to Vinyasa Yoga

You know that yoga is good for you. But it can also seem rather confusing. There are so many different types and, even when you try to research them you come up against terms and concepts that are bewilderingly unfamiliar. In this article, we avoid the confusion to provide you with a complete overview of one of the most popular and easily accessible forms of yoga – Vinyasa.

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