Our FIT journal.

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The Best Exercises for Strong Legs

Your legs are the power base of your body. The stronger they are, the more power you’ll be able to generate. For most people, however, the legs are an underdeveloped part of the body, both in terms of muscle size and strength. If you’re in that category, it’s time to do something about it. In this article, we lay out the six best exercises for strong legs.

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Why You Should Try Personal Training

If you are a regular gym goer you’ve probably seen people working out with personal trainers. Maybe you’ve thought that trainers are ok for gym newbies but a waste of time for seasoned exercisers like you. Well, not so fast …. scheduling a workout with a personal trainer every few weeks could be just what you need to take your training to the next level.

In this article, we’ll explore 5 reasons why it makes sense to have a regular session with a PT.

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9 Tips to Keep You On Track

Getting started with a fitness plan is a transformative decision that can improve every aspect of your life. The real challenge, however, is to maintain the regularity and consistency of your exercise routine month in and month out. In this article, we present 9 proven tips to keep you on track to achieve your fitness goals.

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How to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau

Few things are as frustrating as hitting a weight loss plateau. You’re doing all of the right exercises the right way, disciplining yourself to stay clean on your diet and cutting back on the amount of food you eat each day. Still, your weight on the scale won’t budge. If only you could figure out a way to restart your fat loss journey! Well, we’re here to help. In this article, we reveal the most common reasons that people get stuck on their weight loss journey and what you can do about it. 

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How to Return to Exercise After Contracting Covid-19

So, you’ve had Covid-19. It’s knocked you around, thrown you out of your routine, and wrecked you physically. But now you’re better and ready to get back into life. A priority is to get back into your regular exercise routine. But how should you go about it? Let’s find out.

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How to Rebuild Your Gym Routine

The global COVID pandemic has affected all of us. If you are a regular gym goer, there’s a high likelihood that your workout program has been affected, either by our club closure or having to quarantine due to exposure to the virus. Getting back into your gym routine can be a real challenge. In this article I’ll provide a roadmap to getting back into your pre-pandemic routine. 

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Why You Should Run A Marathon

Running a marathon is a major life challenge. It requires a huge investment in time, energy and commitment. So, if you’re going to do it, you need to have a pretty compelling reason to do so. In this article, I’ll provide you with 6 of them to help you nourish your marathon mojo.

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4 Tips to Change Your Training Mindset

Your ability to reach your fitness goals is totally dependent on your mindset. Unless you’ve got it right, you’ll always fall short of your potential. Here are 3 hacks to help you develop that killer mindset to conquer your goals every time.

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How To Make Time For Working Out When Working From Home.

Working from home has become a reality for many of us over the last few years. The transition from working in an office to having an office at home brings with it many benefits. However, there are also challenges. One of them relates to exercise. Previously, you may have hit the gym on your way to or from work. But now you don’t have to leave the house at all. If you’re not careful your well cultivated workout routine can soon go out the window. Here are four things you can do to make time to workout out when you’re working from home. 

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Outdoor Running Workout

Running is a type of workout that, you’d think, doesn’t need much explaining. We all know how to run (or think we do) so, surely, it’s just a matter of getting out there and doing it? Actually, there’s more to it than that. There are a lot of different types of running workouts designed for different purposes and levels of training experience. While we are stuck in lockdown, incorporate these sample outdoor running workouts for beginners, intermediate and advanced runners into your weekly routine.

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Awesome At Home 20 Minute Workout 

You can get an effective full-body workout that hits every muscle group while also getting your heart pumping with nothing but the body you were born with. Here is a simple 5 exercise workout that you can do right now to start getting your sweat on at home.

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5 Cold Weather Training TipS

When the days get colder, the sun disappears and the rainclouds gather, it can become a lot harder to motivate yourself to maintain your exercise habit. With proper preparation, however, you can successfully negotiate your way through winter without losing a step in your workout momentum. Here are 5 tips to help you do just that. 

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A Beginner’s Guide to Gaining Muscle

Gaining muscle is a simple, but challenging, process. Despite all of the contradictory information and myriad ideas about working out, eating and supplementing to pack on muscle, the most successful route to gaining muscle is to keep it basic and consistent. In this article, I’ll provide you with an overview of everything you need to know in order to start adding some serious muscle to your frame.

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A Healthy Heart Workout Plan

While more and more people are exercising, a recent survey shows that most of them are doing so to look better rather than to improve their heart health. Most of those surveyed were unaware of just how much and what type of exercise they should get each week for maximum cardiovascular benefit. While 51% of those surveyed said they exercise to lose weight, just 32% stated that they do so to improve their heart health.

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9 Fitness Quotes To Keep You Motivated

Let’s face it - sustaining our motivation to workout can be a challenge. That’s why we need to be constantly feeding our minds with positive reinforcement to break out of our procrastination and get us moving. In this article, I’m going to provide you with 9 of the most inspirational fitness quotes you’ll ever come across. These come from the mouths of some of the greatest coins in the fitness industry. If these don’t get you pumped for your workout, you might want to check your pulse!

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5 Fitness Habits to Establish In Your 20’s

During your 20’s, you are in the golden zone for establishing fitness habits that will last you a lifetime. This is the decade that you should be beginning to take your health a bit more seriously. You most likely don’t yet have the responsibilities that come with children and a mortgage. That makes it the ideal time to cement in those good habits so that, when greater life’s pressures come, they are already ingrained. Here are 5 fitness habits to build into your life during your 20s.

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THE Best Fat Burning Moves to Make

Burning fat is hard work. Most of us have spent a lifetime accumulating excess body fat so we shouldn’t expect to be able to get rid of it overnight. Successful fat loss is a combination of caloric restriction, cleaning up the diet by cutting out simple carbohydrates and smart exercise. In this article, we will focus on the exercise side of the equation.

There are literally hundreds of exercises you could do to lose body fat. What you need to do is identify the handful that will give you the best bang for your buck in terms of caloric burn and the degree to which the exercise boosts your metabolism after your workout. The four exercises to follow have been proven to be the most effective moves to accomplish both of those objectives.

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Tone Up - Our Treadmill Workout

In their quest to boost their fitness, millions of people jump onto the treadmill, and then proceed to mindlessly pound away and tune out. The truth is that most of them are getting nowhere, literally. Not only are they physically staying in the same place, but their fitness isn’t progressing. The reason is simple – they aren’t working hard enough.There is a better way. You’ve probably heard of high-intensity interval training. It’s been around for over a decade, but it has become hugely popular in the last few years. HIIT started out as a method of running on the track, but is now being applied to all sorts of types of training, including bodyweight and resistance exercises. In this article, we will focus on how you can apply HIIT training to your treadmill workout.

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How to Prep for an Endurance Race

You’ve put in the long months of training and now your endurance event is almost upon you. In this article, we provide half a dozen tips to help you conquer your nerves and take care of those little things before your event that can make all the difference. 

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