Our FIT journal.

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5 Cold Weather Training TipS

When the days get colder, the sun disappears and the rainclouds gather, it can become a lot harder to motivate yourself to maintain your exercise habit. With proper preparation, however, you can successfully negotiate your way through winter without losing a step in your workout momentum. Here are 5 tips to help you do just that. 

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A Beginner’s Guide to Gaining Muscle

Gaining muscle is a simple, but challenging, process. Despite all of the contradictory information and myriad ideas about working out, eating and supplementing to pack on muscle, the most successful route to gaining muscle is to keep it basic and consistent. In this article, I’ll provide you with an overview of everything you need to know in order to start adding some serious muscle to your frame.

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Fitness, Workout FIT Lane Cove Fitness, Workout FIT Lane Cove

A Healthy Heart Workout Plan

While more and more people are exercising, a recent survey shows that most of them are doing so to look better rather than to improve their heart health. Most of those surveyed were unaware of just how much and what type of exercise they should get each week for maximum cardiovascular benefit. While 51% of those surveyed said they exercise to lose weight, just 32% stated that they do so to improve their heart health.

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9 Fitness Quotes To Keep You Motivated

Let’s face it - sustaining our motivation to workout can be a challenge. That’s why we need to be constantly feeding our minds with positive reinforcement to break out of our procrastination and get us moving. In this article, I’m going to provide you with 9 of the most inspirational fitness quotes you’ll ever come across. These come from the mouths of some of the greatest coins in the fitness industry. If these don’t get you pumped for your workout, you might want to check your pulse!

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5 Fitness Habits to Establish In Your 20’s

During your 20’s, you are in the golden zone for establishing fitness habits that will last you a lifetime. This is the decade that you should be beginning to take your health a bit more seriously. You most likely don’t yet have the responsibilities that come with children and a mortgage. That makes it the ideal time to cement in those good habits so that, when greater life’s pressures come, they are already ingrained. Here are 5 fitness habits to build into your life during your 20s.

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Workout, Fitness FIT Lane Cove Workout, Fitness FIT Lane Cove

THE Best Fat Burning Moves to Make

Burning fat is hard work. Most of us have spent a lifetime accumulating excess body fat so we shouldn’t expect to be able to get rid of it overnight. Successful fat loss is a combination of caloric restriction, cleaning up the diet by cutting out simple carbohydrates and smart exercise. In this article, we will focus on the exercise side of the equation.

There are literally hundreds of exercises you could do to lose body fat. What you need to do is identify the handful that will give you the best bang for your buck in terms of caloric burn and the degree to which the exercise boosts your metabolism after your workout. The four exercises to follow have been proven to be the most effective moves to accomplish both of those objectives.

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Tone Up - Our Treadmill Workout

In their quest to boost their fitness, millions of people jump onto the treadmill, and then proceed to mindlessly pound away and tune out. The truth is that most of them are getting nowhere, literally. Not only are they physically staying in the same place, but their fitness isn’t progressing. The reason is simple – they aren’t working hard enough.There is a better way. You’ve probably heard of high-intensity interval training. It’s been around for over a decade, but it has become hugely popular in the last few years. HIIT started out as a method of running on the track, but is now being applied to all sorts of types of training, including bodyweight and resistance exercises. In this article, we will focus on how you can apply HIIT training to your treadmill workout.

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How to Prep for an Endurance Race

You’ve put in the long months of training and now your endurance event is almost upon you. In this article, we provide half a dozen tips to help you conquer your nerves and take care of those little things before your event that can make all the difference. 

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How To Have A More Holistic Workout Routine

Too many people fixate on a particular type of workout to the exclusion of all else. Yet, that is not the way to develop total fitness or to maximally prepare your body for the challenges of everyday life. Whether it’s weight training, running or doing HIIT, just doing one type of workout will prevent you from reaching your true fitness potential. In this article, we present a workable routine that provides a more well-rounded holistic workout routine.

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6 Tips for Training Intensely for Over 50’s

When you make it past 50, your body begins to have limitations. When you’re working out, that means that you have got to make some adjustments in your training. That doesn’t mean that you have to reduce your intensity and train like a geriatric. It does mean that you need to forget about the gym bro-science that younger guys can get away with and start training smart. In this article, we reveal six ways to do precisely that.

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How to Run a 10KM in 8 Weeks

The 10km is the most popular competitive running distance of them all. If you’ve accepted the challenge and conquered your first 5km, then the 10km is a natural and achievable progression. Doubling your distance, however, is a real challenge that will require that you take your training to the next level. Let’s find out how to prepare for and successfully complete your first 10km.

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Studio Classes For When You Are Short On Time

Getting in your scheduled workout, week in and week out, can be a real challenge. There are times when, no matter how organized and motivated you are, life gets in the way and you simply cannot dedicate the hour plus to your training session that you normally invest. But that doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on training completely. At FIT we make it easy for you to get in an awesome workout when you happen to be time poor with our condensed time frame classes that will have you in and out of the gym in 35 minutes flat. We’ve got four types of studio classes that are designed for people in a hurry. Check them out.

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3 Exercises for a Stronger Back 

When you’re thinking about what workout to do for the day, how often do you think about focusing on the muscles in your back? Perhaps your workout goes a little something like, biceps, triceps, abs, glutes, quads and if we take a second to think about it, all of these parts of the body connect to our back. Back exercises can improve your posture, enhance your physique and help protect your back from pain and injury and I’m pretty sure we have all experienced back pain to some degree or another, whether it’s been upper pain, lower pain, chronic or mild it’s not a fun thing to have and can last a very long time. So why not put these exercises to the forefront of your mind and make it a back day!

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Pump It Up

Group classes can seem a bit daunting, you probably feel that they're full of people already knowing what they’re doing. There’s no beginners or advanced groups to most of these classes, but with easy routines to follow anyone can simply join. 

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Know Your Upper Traps

If you have been experiencing knots to the back of your neck or to your mid back, chances are the pain is coming from your upper traps. The upper traps are attached from the base of the skull and inserts to the thoracic spine. This triangular muscle extends to the width of the shoulder and is responsible for moving and rotating your shoulder blade, stabilising your arm and extending your neck.

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A Beginners Guide to Barbell Deadlifts

Deadlifts are a form of weight training that will help develop strength to your overall body. Focusing on your hamstrings, glutes, lower back and upper back when standing in position but also relying on your core strength to stabilise your body through the lift, meaning your abdominal muscles, upper torso and arms are also getting a workout.

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Tone Your Inner Thighs

Heading into summer, I’m sure most of us would like to say goodbye to our friend who sometimes makes an unwanted appearance especially when the weather is hot called Mr or Misses Chafing. I have definitely met them one too many times. Sound familiar?Most of the workouts we do incorporate some sort of leg muscle activation, whether it’s in our calves, hamstrings or the glutes but do you ever focus on your inner thighs? This often-underworked part of our legs is just as important as every other muscle in our legs and body because strengthening them is important for stabilising our hips, knees, lower back and core.

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Circuit Training 101

Short on time but want to achieve maximum results? This is where you need to relook at your current workouts, to see how you can get the most out of your time in the club with your routines and the great thing is, no personal trainer is needed. Say hello to Circuit Training.Circuit training is high intensity, fast paced workouts based on a series of exercises, where you move between workout stations back to back with a short period of rest to no rest in between exercises.

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