Our FIT journal.

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5 Tips For Staying Healthy When You Are Busy

You know you should be living a healthier life. But your days are so hectic that you simply can’t see how you can find the time to do anything meaningful. The transition to living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to involve time-consuming new ways of doing things. It is far better to make small, incremental changes that you can seamlessly and painlessly integrate into your schedule. Here are 5 tips that you can adopt over the next few weeks regardless of how busy your days get.

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

3 Yoga Props & How To Use Them

Have you been dipping your feet into the wonderful world of yoga? If so, you are, no doubt, discovering the wonderful physical and mental benefits of this ancient practice. Maybe, you have seen people making use of yoga props to enhance their practice but you’re not sure how to use them yourself. In this article, we take a look at three of the most popular yoga props and show you how to use them.

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

Breathing Techniques For Meditation & Mindfulness 

Breathing is something we’ve all been doing since the moment we entered this world. So, you’d think that we’d have learned to do it right. The reality is that, while we are all able to breathe in order to preserve our lives, there are a number of ways to improve our breathing, especially when it comes to making our meditation and mindfulness practice more impactful. Let’s take a look at a half dozen breathing techniques that will help you to focus your mind and your body.

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove


Did you know the oldest documented evidence of the practise of mediation are wall arts in the Indian subcontinent from approximately 5,000 to 3,500 BCE, showing people in meditative postures with half-closed eyes? If people have been doing it, all those years ago and people are still doing it now, then surely there has to be some truth to the benefits of mediation, right?

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove


Not an early riser? Perhaps you would prefer a sleep in then set your alarm for an early gym session? Let’s face it, if everybody woke up early to get to the gym, it would be packed out but getting up early to start your day with a bit of you time has its mental and physical health benefits. Here are 7 tips to help you get up early in the mornings. 

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Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove

A Complete Guide to Hatha Yoga

The popularity of yoga over the last few years has seen millions of people embracing the practice. Many of them would never have imagined themselves doing so. Yet, they have been won over by the physical, mental and spiritual benefits that yoga presents. In this article, we focus on one of the most practical and popular forms of yoga, Hatha.

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Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove

7 Exercises for Stress Relief

This is definitely a year that will go into the history books, thanks to Covid-19 and its massive curveball of a pandemic that we didn’t see coming.  We all know that every single person has been affected in some way or another and I’m sure this has brought with it some level of stress too. There are some people who have taken exercise by its stride and used every lockdown moment to do as many workouts as possible and then there are others who without the gym, didn’t feel like exercising and saw themselves, mentally drained, feeling sluggish and putting on a few extra kilograms. Enter in, low self-esteem.

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Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove


We currently offer three different styles of yoga classes here at FIT, Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin Yoga. Do you know the difference between them or which one is best suited to you? The great thing about these classes is, that they are suited to any age, body type and fitness level. With class offerings ranging from beginners, intermediate and advanced classes. No one has turned up to their first yoga class (unless they were a dancer or gymnast) able to execute advanced yoga poses. Yoga develops strength and balance as well as flexibility and this all takes practice.

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Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove

A Complete Guide to Vinyasa Yoga

You know that yoga is good for you. But it can also seem rather confusing. There are so many different types and, even when you try to research them you come up against terms and concepts that are bewilderingly unfamiliar. In this article, we avoid the confusion to provide you with a complete overview of one of the most popular and easily accessible forms of yoga – Vinyasa.

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Why You Should Meditate Every Day

The practice of meditation has become wildly popular over the last decade. What used to be seen as something that Hippies and Far Eastern religious practitioners engaged in, has now become mainstream. The reason is simple: people in the West have become increasingly aware of the many benefits to be gained from daily meditation.

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Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove

7 REASONS You Should Try a Barre Class

We wouldn’t blame you if you weren’t 100% sure what Barre is, or what a class might look like. Barre is the name given to the warmup exercises done prior to engaging in ballet training. Now, most of us have never been to a ballet class but you’ve probably seen dancers doing barre work on TV shows or movies. Even though it was designed to be used by ballet dancers, it turns out that barre training can help all of us to become fitter, stronger and more flexible.

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Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove Fitness, Wellness FIT Lane Cove

A Complete Guide to Yin Yoga

Yoga has enjoyed a boom in popularity throughout the Western world in recent years. One of the lesser known forms of yoga, yet one that holds great promise for everyone, is called Yin Yoga. Never heard of it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Now’s the time to get up to speed on Yin Yoga.

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