Our FIT journal.

Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

7 Entry-level Yoga Poses

If you’re looking for a great way to warm up before a workout or improve your flexibility, yoga might be the thing for you. But yoga has a lot more benefits than just mobility, it can also help you prevent injury, build strength and reduce stress. You’ve probably seen our Exhale Studio posters around the club, we have entry-level classes available in our amazing yoga studio - but if you want to try a few entry-level poses before you visit your first class, we’ve put together 7 of our favourite poses to give you a starting point.

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

How to Warm Up and Cool Down Well

Warming up and cooling down are two vital, but often neglected, components of any exercise program. The warm-up prepares your muscles and other soft tissue, as well as your skeletal system, for the rigorous exercise to follow. 

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

7 Mobility Exercises

Mobility is the ability of your joints to move freely and smoothly. It allows you to move your muscles effortlessly through their full range of motion. Including mobility exercises in your routine will make you more agile and mobile.

Here are 7 key mobility exercises that you can include in your warm-up routine.

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

Wellness Tips to Prevent Burnout

With the pace of life more intense than it’s ever been, burnout is a risk that we all face. When you’re including exercise as part of your lifestyle, you need to be careful that you don’t overdo things, resulting in a state of overtraining and burnout that leaves you exhausted and unable to function normally. 

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

4 Tips to Improve Mobility

Mobility is strength through the full range of motion of an exercise. Unlike flexibility, it relies on the muscle alone to produce the range of movement. So, a flexible person may be able to raise his straightened leg quite high with the assistance of their arm. A mobile person, however, will be able to manipulate their leg or other muscles without any help at all. 

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

Why You Should Warm Up and Cool Down

When we’re busy, it can be tempting to forego the preliminaries and jump directly into our workout. In this article, my aim is to remind you why taking the time to warm up and cool down is well worth the extra few minutes. 

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Wellness, Workout FIT Lane Cove Wellness, Workout FIT Lane Cove

5 stretches to help knee pain

Knee pain can be debilitating. Even if it’s not chronic, it will cause constant discomfort and get in the way of your everyday routine. In this article, we lay out 5 stretches that will help you to bring some relief to the pain in your knee.

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

5 Wellness Habits and How to Stick to Them

Life is an accumulation of habits. If we can accrue more good ones and fewer bad ones, we will thrive, both physically and mentally. Here are 5 wellness habits that you should focus on, along with some tips on how to stick with them.

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

5 wellbeing apps to try

Well-being is front of mind for many people, largely as a result of the pandemic and the health challenges it has presented. The integration of health and tech has seen a plethora of health and wellness apps to guide our journey come onto the market. Let’s check out 5 of the best.

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

5 Mindful Habits To Practice Everyday

Your life is nothing more than an accumulation of days. And your day is the result of the habits that dictate how you fill the minutes that make up those days. When you incorporate mindful habits into your daily routine, your life will have more purpose, more direction, and more forward momentum.

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

7 Tips To Make 2022 Your Healthiest Ever

Let’s face it - we’ve had a lot of health challenges over the last couple of years. But now we’re in a new year.

Why not make it your resolve to make 2022 your healthiest ever?

Doing so doesn’t have to require drastic changes. In fact, the healthiest people I know all say the same thing …

Great health is all about doing the little things consistently.

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

5 Wellbeing Trends to Try

As we enter the new year, the world remains in a state of uncertainty. With Covid variants creating concern on every continent, it’s no wonder that people are constantly seeking new and different ways to optimize their health and wellbeing. In this article, we’ll explore 5 of the most exciting wellbeing trends of 2022.

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Wellness, Workout FIT Lane Cove Wellness, Workout FIT Lane Cove

Before BedTime Yoga Poses To Try

Yoga is not just a way to exercise your body; it’s also one of the best things you can do to unwind both and relax. That makes it an ideal activity to engage in just prior to going to bed. In this article, I’ll lay out five great yoga poses you can do right in your bedroom before hitting the sack.

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove


The COVID lockdowns upended our lives during these past two years. We were forced to adjust, making dramatic changes to our daily routine. A lot of it was annoying and restrictive. But not all. It allowed many of us to slow down and finally adopt the healthy lifestyle habits that we simply didn’t have time for previously. Here are five lockdown habits that you should keep when life gets back to normal.

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Wellness, Nutrition FIT Lane Cove Wellness, Nutrition FIT Lane Cove

Surviving the Silly Season

After another crazy year, the silly season is on our doorstep once again. That means that your health and fitness routine is about to be challenged. But it doesn’t mean that it has to be upended. Here are four tips to help you to, not just survive, but thrive through the silly season.

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

Simple Tips For Wellbeing While Working From Home

Working from home may sound like a great alternative to the daily office commute but it does present several wellbeing challenges. These include feelings of isolation. motivation problems, unexpected disruptions, and maintaining a work / life balance. Here are five tips to help you maintain your mental and physical wellbeing while working from home.

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

Simples Ways To Manage Anxiety & Stress

Stress imposes high physical and emotional costs on our lives. And, in our high-tech world, stress is on the increase. There never seems to be enough time and always too much to do. Work pressures, family problems and information technology explosion can weigh us down and leave us with anxiety overload. Here are five simple things you can do to manage your stress levels.

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