Our FIT journal.

Workout FIT Lane Cove Workout FIT Lane Cove

45 Min Spin BIKE Workout

Spin cycling is one of the most intense forms of cardio exercise that exist. If you want to burn maximum calories, while giving both your lower and upper body muscles an intense workout, spinning is the way to go. Spin cycling is also fantastic for your heart and lungs.

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Nutrition FIT Lane Cove Nutrition FIT Lane Cove

Help Look After Your Heart With These Nutritional Tips

Eating for heart health and overall wellness has become hugely complicated. There are so many conflicting diet ideas out there that it's no wonder people have no idea which one to follow. The truth is that you shouldn’t follow any diet plan. Instead, you need to build sound nutrition habits into your lifestyle. Only then will you be able to achieve sustainable long-term heart health.

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Workout FIT Lane Cove Workout FIT Lane Cove

4 Phase Workout For Huge Biceps

Every guy wants huge biceps. Most get nowhere close. Today, I’ve got a 4-phase, 30-day program that is designed to shock stubborn biceps into growth with a combination of strength and hypertrophy training. 

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Fitness FIT Lane Cove Fitness FIT Lane Cove

Getting Back into Training After COVID

Returning to your exercise routine after contracting Covid can be challenging. You may be lacking in energy and strength, making you feel like you’re back at square one. You may even be still unwell as you deal with the effects of long covid. 

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

4 Tips to Improve Mobility

Mobility is strength through the full range of motion of an exercise. Unlike flexibility, it relies on the muscle alone to produce the range of movement. So, a flexible person may be able to raise his straightened leg quite high with the assistance of their arm. A mobile person, however, will be able to manipulate their leg or other muscles without any help at all. 

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

Why You Should Warm Up and Cool Down

When we’re busy, it can be tempting to forego the preliminaries and jump directly into our workout. In this article, my aim is to remind you why taking the time to warm up and cool down is well worth the extra few minutes. 

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Workout FIT Lane Cove Workout FIT Lane Cove

Don't Skip Leg Day - Build Giant Quads

Leg day is the most dreaded day of the workout week. That’s because the lactic acid build-up and muscle pain that you get from working your quads are more intense than working any other part of your body. But that doesn’t mean you should skip leg day.

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Wellness, Workout FIT Lane Cove Wellness, Workout FIT Lane Cove

5 stretches to help knee pain

Knee pain can be debilitating. Even if it’s not chronic, it will cause constant discomfort and get in the way of your everyday routine. In this article, we lay out 5 stretches that will help you to bring some relief to the pain in your knee.

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Nutrition FIT Lane Cove Nutrition FIT Lane Cove

7 Veggies to Include When Meal Prepping

If you want to get on top of your nutrition, eat clean and stay consistent then you need to be meal prepping. That’s when you set aside some time one or two times per week to prepare future meals in advance.  Doing so, allows you to pull a fully prepared, healthy meal right out of the freezer when you get home on a weeknight.

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Workout FIT Lane Cove Workout FIT Lane Cove

4 Week 5K Training Program

Running a 5K is an achievable, yet challenging objective for anybody. As a result, it makes an ideal goal for someone trying to get off the couch and into an active lifestyle. Without a plan, however, you will struggle to make it to the finish line on the big day.

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Workout FIT Lane Cove Workout FIT Lane Cove

5 Intense Core Exercises

The core is at the heart of virtually every move you make in the gym. As the link between your upper and lower body, it is your functional power base. It is also responsible for midline stabilisation.

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Fitness FIT Lane Cove Fitness FIT Lane Cove

Morning or Evening? When is the Best Time to Exercise

Carving time out of your day to exercise is a challenge. So, if you’ve got the choice, it pays to know whether you’re going to get more bang for your buck by exercising in the morning or the evening. In this article, we take a look at what the science and the practical applications say about the best time to exercise.

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Workout FIT Lane Cove Workout FIT Lane Cove

Get Your Heart Rate Up with this 45 min HIIT Workout

When it comes to maximising fat burn, supercharging your cardio fitness, and building awesome endurance power it’s hard to beat a HIIT workout. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It involves short, intense bursts of work followed by equally short rest periods.

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Nutrition FIT Lane Cove Nutrition FIT Lane Cove

What is Keto and is it Right For You?

The ketogenic diet is a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet designed to force the body to switch from using glucose from carbohydrates to using ketones from fat as its primary energy source. It does this by restricting the intake of carbohydrates and increasing the amount of fat consumed.

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Wellness FIT Lane Cove Wellness FIT Lane Cove

5 Wellness Habits and How to Stick to Them

Life is an accumulation of habits. If we can accrue more good ones and fewer bad ones, we will thrive, both physically and mentally. Here are 5 wellness habits that you should focus on, along with some tips on how to stick with them.

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